Our lab studies the regulation, function and evolution of transposable elements in mammals and fruit fly

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May 15, 2024

Our paper about the TEENA web server is online at Nucleic Acids Research now.

We designed the Transposable Element ENrichment Analyzer (TEENA), which is an integrated web server to streamline transposable element enrichment analysis in various model and non-model organisms. It implements an optimized pipeline, hosts the genome/gene/TE annotations of almost one hundred species, and provides multiple parameters to enable its flexibility. Please have a try.

Apr 24, 2024

Our paper about PcG binding and chromatin looping mediated by PREs at ON state is online at Science Advances now.

How the PcG protein binding and chromatin loops mediated by PREs at the ON and OFF transcription state differ? Find it out from our collaborative paper with Judith Kassis's lab and Pedro Rocha's lab from NIH/NICHD.

Sep 29, 2023

Our paper about the role of pig ERVs for 3D chromatin organization is published by Comp Struc Biol J now.

Our paper identified dozens of TE families overrepresented with CTCF binding sites, including LTR22_SS, LTR15_SS and LTR16_SSc which are pig-specific families ERVs.

May 4, 2023

Our paper about the contribution of Crol for Polycomb recruitment is online at Nucleic Acids Res now.

Our collaborative paper with Kassis's lab (NIH) and Chetverina's lab (Russian Academy of Sciences) identified Crol as novel regulator of PRE-mediated repression and Polycomb recruitment.

Jun 9, 2023

Our paper about ERV-derived enhancers for human trophoblast syncytialization is online at Nucleic Acids Res now.

Our collaborative paper with Cao's lab from Xiemen University uncovered the essential roles of ERV-derived enhancers for human trophoblast syncytialization.

Feb 17, 2023

Our paper about the regulation of ERV-derived enhancers by GATA2/3 and MSX2 in human TSCs is online at Genome Res now.

As a followed up study of our previous MBE paper, we further uncovered how numerous ERV-derived enhancers in human TSCs are bound and regulated by the core trophoblast TFs GATA2/3 and MSX2.

July 28, 2021

Our paper about the contribution of ERVs for lineage-specific regulatory evolution across primate and rodent placentae is online at Mol Biol Evol now.

Our collaborative paper with Todd Macfarlan's lab from NIH/NICHD identified numerous lineage-specific human placental enhancers and found they highly overlap with specific ERV families, including MER21A, MER41A/B, and MER39B that were previously linked to immune response and placental function.

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