Step2: Upload genomic interval file

Demo BED file for download: GATA3_hg38.bed
Maximum file size for uploads is: 20Mb
More description about BED format can be found here. Only the first 3 columns are used for analysis.

Step3: Parameter settings
Use mid-point for overlapping (otherwise use whole region)
Exclude genomic gaps (i.e. the Ns in the reference genome)
Exclude promoter regions (defined as +/- 500 bp from TSSs)

Step4: Job submission

It usually takes 2-3 minutes to finish. Please don't close this page. The results will appear below soon.

We're working again to increase TEENA server capabilities to allow for more jobs.Submitting assignments too frequently may trigger our firewall to block your IP due to potential DOS attacks. During firewall upgrades, external network access may be unavailable.