TEENA: an integrated web server for Transposable Element ENrichment Analysis in given genomic regions

Transposable elements (TEs) are abundant in the genomes of various animals and plants. While long been regarded as “junk DNA”, accumulated data suggest the crucial roles of TEs, frequently by creating regulatory elements (particularly enhancers and promoters) bound by distinct transcription factors (TFs). TE-derived regulatory elements have gained unprecedented attentions in recent years, and one key step toward their understanding is to identify the TE families enriched in interested genomic regions (e.g. a set of enhancers or TF binding sites), which can then be subjected to in-depth analysis and validation. Nevertheless, such analysis remains challenging for researchers either unfamiliar with TEs or lack sophisticated bioinformatic skills, which severely hinders the study of TE function.

Here, we presented TEENA (Transposable Element ENrichment Analyzer), which is an integrated web server to streamline TE enrichment analysis in a variety of model and non-model animal species. It implements an optimized pipeline, integrates the genome/gene/TE annotations, and provides multiple parameters to enable substantial flexibility. Taking genomic interval data as the only required file, it can automatically retrieve the annotations for corresponding species and finish a routine analysis in a couple minutes. Apart from basic enrichment statistics, it also provides multiple tables and figures to facilitate result interpretation and candidate TE/gene selection. We hope that it will facilitate future studies on the regulation and function of TEs in different model and non-model animal species.

TEENA is freely accessible to everyone, including commercial users.



May 15, 2024: TEENA is published by Nucleic Acids Res

TEENA is now published online at Nucleic Acids Res. Please find our paper at: https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkae411

Apr 25, 2024: TEENA is updated

TEENA is extensively updated to: 1) support 8 popular plants; 2) to generate volcano plots; 3) to indicate P-values by color in the scatter plots; 4) to visualize both the log2foldEnrich and P-values in the bar plots.

Feb 20, 2024: TEENA is updated

TEENA is updated to fix the bugs for analyzing data from some non-model species.

Dec 16, 2023: TEENA is updated

TEENA is updated to improve security and provide additional annotation results.

Nov 10, 2023: TEENA is launched for test

TEENA is now launched TEENA for test. Any feedback will be highly appreciated!

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